Hello everyone. First of all, I have Everlong, by the Foo Fighters stuck in my head for some wierd reason. Secondly, I went horseback riding last weekend with a friend of mine. Here is a pick of me pretending to be an urban cowboy. The horse was named T.J. and I decided that wasn't Czar-ish enough so I said T.J. stood for Tyberious Jupiter.
I also had the urge to pretend I was a Rohirium in the Lord of the Rings, charging down Orcs at the Battle of Pelanor Fields, brandishing my sword and performing deeds that would be sung of for ages. Then I also pictured myself charging down French soldiers instead and laughed as they fled in horror before me, which was just as amusing to me. At that point my horse really did start to gallup and I nearly wet myself as reality set in. It was fun none the less.
I wish to say that lately I have noticed a very strange thing happening to me. I have been getting old. How do I know this you may ask? Well, keep reading for I present to you...
Top Reasons You Know Your Getting Old.
1. It is Friday or Saturday night and you have absolutely nothing to do but stay home and play video games or read- and you don't really care anymore, you are perfectly fine with this.
2. You can no longer stay out past midnight without being exhausted the next day. In fact you begin to shun events that would keep you out past midnight and even make up lame excuses to your younger friends.
3. Your bowels have declared a Jihad on you. Enough said.
4. You meet a girl and think, "she is probably to young for me", and she turns out to be 22.
5. You throw a party and don't really care who shows up anymore. None of this, "who is going to be there?" or "what are we going to watch?" you just have fun with whomever shows up.
6. You are slowly but surely going bald. I hope this only applies to guys.
7. You no longer like any stations on the radio except Talk Radio, KLUV, or Sunny 97.
8. You get your but kicked by Junior highers playing Halo 2.
9. You find yourself needing exercise just to create energy.
10. You forget things a lot easier and can't think of good items to finish off your list you make on your blog.
These are all things I more or less have experienced to some degree. So I must face the music that I am getting old. In fact, the big 30 is just around the corner and I am near the home stretch. With all the bowel aches, head aches, allergies and whatever else I might have by the time I marry, I should just open a gift registry at the local pharmacy. I will probably be so old that instead of throwing rice on the way out you can just throw Viagra. You can also decorate my walker instead of my car.
Moving On: Two more notable deaths in the last couple of weeks.
1. Gen. Westmoreland passed away on July 18th, 2005. For those of you who care, he was the General in charge of the U.S. Military in Vietnam up through 1968, when he stepped down. The whole mess of Vietnam is generally not considered his fault. He now joins the 60,000 American soldiers who died in the fighting.
2. James Doohan, i.e. "Scotty" from Star Trek passed away on July 20th. Now, I have a few things to say about this. First of all I feel that he has had an indirect influence on my life. I was never a Star Trek fan growing up, except for the movies. I still remember my Dad taking me and brother, along with our friends across the street, to see Star Trek 2, the Wrath of Khan, when it came out. But being as big of a Sci-Fi lover as I am, I have to give Star Trek it place in the Sci-Fi Hall of Fame. Also many of my good friends were/are Trekies so I feel that he has been of some influence on me, even if indirectly. Besides, who couldn't admire the likes of James Kirk, Spock, Bones , and Scotty and the rest? Ironically enough Scotty was not Scottish. For his funeral his casket was launched into space from the Photon Torpedo bay of a spaceship. (Pop quiz...anyone know what movie that is from?)
Well that's about it for now. I declare this my nerdiest blog to date, I better rein it in. It's almost eleven so I better go to bed soon, getting old you know.
It's Rhino (anonymous again - maybe someday I'll get my own blog - maybe not, I kinda like being anonymous and no one knowing who I am).
Very nice JJ! Well, not so much nice as true - I'm two years past the 30 mark and it only gets more pronounced from where you are to where I am. I think the bowels using Biological Warfare resulting in the liquid strife is one of the worst. Most everything else you get used to; until nostalgia sets in - then you long for the good old days that really never were (why did I want to be grown up when I was a kid again)?
And look, I get to be the first comment (I win) - mostly cuz I was IM-ing you just after you posted and you told me it would be here.
Rhino P.S.: by the by, phenomenal Lovecraft quote at the top of the page. Very well chosen!
Jeff, you are hilarious.
That horse looks scared
I am rolling on the floor laughing! This is great! Keep up this kind of post, it works for you!
PS- I know I'm getting old when I would rather stay home with 1 friend than go to a party where there will be too many (anything more than 10) people.
I just read that Peter Jennings died. Dangit, according to Poops McGee that means I'm old. Jeff, If NYC doesn't work out we can always room at the Happy Hills Nursing Home.
It think all those years at hobby lobby have really taken their toll on you...
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