I have been listening to Led Zeppelin's album Led Zeppelin, also called Led Zeppelin 4 among the true fans. I have some good Led Zepplin trivia for you but I will save it for another entry. This is a phenomenal album. Every now and then I just want to say screw all the angst ridden, please-kill-me-now emo crap, I just want some guitar jamming, drum smashing good ole' fashioned F#$@ing rock 'n roll! Is that to much to ask for? (Please forgive my pretend bad language mom and dad.)
Ok seriously, this has to be one of the top five rock albums of all times. Every song but one or two was a hit. It has Black Dog, Been a Long Time Since I Rock 'n Rolled, Misty Mountain Hop, Going to California, Stairway to Heaven and When the Levee Breaks on it. Can anybody think of a better rock album? Now remember, we are talking pure rock here, not better albums as whole. Certainly Sgt Pepper or Pet Sounds may be better, but they aren't really rock. Somebody suggested Exile on Main Street , by the Rolling Stones. I know it is considered one of the best albums ever but alas, I have not listened to much of it. Maybe Tommy by the Who? (or of course Deliverance) Please discuss amongst yourselves. Some of you might suggest Kiss or some one else from the 70's, but I don't dig kiss. There is one option that stands out. U2- Joshua Tree, is this considered a rock album? Which brings us to my next topic.
The Grammys-
The Grammys were on the other night and I watched part of it. Unlike, the Oscar's, I actually kind of like the Grammys. For one, they can actually put together a good music act, unlike the Oscar's who do lame things like a musical montage of Pulp Fiction and Evita, performed by Paul Anka, Neil Young and the Vienna Boys Choir. The Grammys have the ability to be witty and clever but also edgy at times as well. The can hire Dave Chappelle and not have complaints unlike the stuffy, pretentious Oscar's which has Sean Penn getting mad at Chris Rock. No the Grammys aren't too bad, and once again U2 raked it in.
U2 is performing at a new level all together. Not only are they at the top of their game, but they have created an entire new sport. Seriously, is there anybody bigger then them right now? Is their anybody cooler then them? Not the Stones, not even Coldplay. Did you see them accept the Grammy for best song? They didn't get excited, or energetic or anything, they just got up, strolled up to the stage and took their award, all with a look that said -"yeah, that's right, we just won another Grammy and we'll be back up here later tonight. Oh, and if we feel like it we'll do it again next year." I love them.

"See how cool they are?"
On another note. Did anybody see the story that came out last week about how in 2002 the U.S. Government thwarted a terrorist attack in Las Angelas? Apparently it was another attempt to crash a plane into a building and they found out about it and stopped it. It was in L.A. so I think we all know who was really at work here.

That's right, it looks like Jack Baur was at it again.
Well that is about all for now. Peace out Napoleon.