Greetings everyone.
There are at least two note worthy things that happened over last weekend. It seems that Robert Kraft, owner of the Kraft food conglomerate and owner of the New England Patriots gave his 2005 Super Bowl ring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This has caused much international intrigue as many suspect that Putin took the ring thinking it was a gift when Kraft may have only been showing him the ring. However, in the interest of world peace, Kraft graciously admitted he was giving the ring to Putin out of admiration. We will never know if this is true or not but Kraft does have two other rings and he will probably end up with more. Fortunately this avoided a serious conflict as NFL forces everywhere were being mobilized for action in Russia. Special Teams, the elite forces of the NFL, were already rumored to be on the ground near Kiev and the Oakland Raiders were gearing up for an all out invasion. This would not be the first time odd things have been found in Putin's pockets. Here is a look at many of the other items found pilfered on his person.
-Several French and U.N. diplomats.
-Kraft's Macaroni and Cheese as well.
-P Diddy's Bling Bling. (see picture)
-A piece of low grade plutonium.
-The Maltese Falcon.
-Bribe from Russian mob.
-8 Track of Abba's Greatest Hits.
-Key to Russian National Cabbage Supply Vault.
-Michael Jackson's original nose.
-Charm bracelet with Hello Kitty Charms.
- Set of 20 sided Dungeon's and Dragon's dice.
-Plans for the next botched Chechynain rebel hostage release.
-Map to a Moscow Discotheque.
This week in History: The 4th of July is not only important as the birth of our nation but it also marks two very important other events as well.
-July 1-3, 1863. This was the three days of fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg. On the 4th Gen. Lee decided he could not fight any longer and began his retreat. It was the strongest army Lee would ever have and the last offensive the Confederacy would mount.
July 4th, 1863. Another crushing blow to the South. The city of Vicksburg surrendered on this day after being besieged for several months. It split the South in half and effectively gave the Union control of the Mississippi as well opening up new trade and supply routes on the river for the North. As you can see, July 4th, 1863 was not a good time for the South.
I went and saw Eisley with my brother last night. It was a good show and chicks with guitars can be pretty hot. It was funny, a band called Pilot Drift opened for them and turns out I had met the lead singer of the band before. He went to dinner with me and some friends sometime ago and I had forgotten about it. It was a friend of a friend kind of thing.
Well I am tired now and trying to get the photo posted took forever and I still haven't gotten in the right spot. Good Night.