Greetings everyone, it is
Nipped in the Bud- Well there was another death in New Prussia. I must admit it has been a few months since we have had one and I was beginning to feel safe in the land of the living only to have the dark wings of death come and swoop it all away. This death happened a couple weeks ago but since I am so far behind in my blogging (as always) I will post it anyways. This outstanding rerun hero lived in the iconoclast town of
God tired of waiting on U.N.
Gabriel, archangel and spokesman for God the Almighty, held a press release in which he stated, “The U.N. has had their chance to bring justice to this matter. The trial has taken four years and God was tired of waiting on your petty human institutions. He, the Almighty, decided to bring justice to all the thousands of innocent Croatians that were butchered by Milosevic.” He went on to add that the cries for justice from the graves of thousands of innocent dead were so loud that something simply had to be done. “No one in heaven could enjoy a peaceful eternity with all that ruckus.” He also added.
It is true that the U.N. had come under much fire for it slow and time consuming process of litigation. Milosevic had been in prison for several years before the trial even began, and it has gone on four years since then. To many it appeared a mockery of justice.
The U.N. was in shock at the pronouncement and tried to subpoena God to see if this was true. God merely refused to be subpoenaed and it is feared many earthquakes will result from the presumptuous attempt.
“If this is true, that God brought this death it could constitute a serious undermining of human will.” Stated U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, who is also under a cloud of suspicion for taking bribes. “We believe in justice and fairness in our world that no one has the right to interfere with.”
Gabriel rebutted saying “For all the talk of human rights and justice, the U.N. system is sure slow in bringing it about. We in heaven are just glad these aren’t the same guys who handled
Well , thats about it for now folks. Catch ya later.