Thursday, December 28, 2006

Celebrity Christmas Lists.

Greetings fair citizens of New Prussia. The time is 9:20 and I am listening to some dude with an acoustic guitar at a coffee shop. Normally I dislike the usual dude with a guitar at coffee shops because they generally suck and are loud to boot. These guys aren’t too bad though and seem to have quite a following. Apparently they are from out of town and came here just for this show.

I must admit I am having trouble thinking of You Might Be A Bastard jokes. I should probably be one for a time to better find out what all bastards actually do. However I can delight your senses with this bit of Christmas joy. Ever wonder what famous people want for Christmas? Well it here it is. The official...

...2006 Celebrity Christmas List.

1 George W. Bush- Approval ratings, any at all.

2. Nicole Ricci – A piece of rice.

3. Rosie O’Donnell – For her Barbara Walters fantasy to come to true,

4. Donald Trump – To develop his huge head into prime real estate.

5. K-fed – For even his own mother to buy his album.

6.Michael Moore – A box of Krispy Kream doughnuts.

7.Sashe Baron Cohen - For anyone to remember him in six months.

8.Saddam Hussein – To save his own neck.

9. Katie Holmes – For Tom to convert to Mormonism or anything less weird then scientology.

10. Brad and Angelina – Another poor third world child to adopt now that they have adopted ALL of them.

I have recently learned more people have been reading this thing then I had thought and I greatly appreciate it. It is encouraging in my writing to know people are interested in it. Okay gang, I’ll catch you later.