Monday, July 17, 2006

Its 1:28 P.M. and I am listening to silence. Now I have an idea for this next entry. I am tempted to convert it into an email format and try and start one of the urban legend type emails. You know, certain Christian emails chains go around about various things we should be aware of. I am really thinking of doing that with this and sending it to you all to send to others and see if it catched on. Let me know what you think.

See You at the Pump!

Christians everywhere are being urged to go to their local gas stations on August 1st and pray for lower gas prices. With the current price at over three dollars per gallon, believers everywhere are feeling the pinch.

“We are raising prayers up to heaven just as gas prices are being raised here on earth.” Said Rev. Raymond Young 3rd of Stonewood Fellowship Church in Houston Texas. “It has gotten to the point where many of our congregation can barely fuel their luxury SUV’s. So on the morning of August 1st we are encouraging Christians everywhere to gather around their local gas pumps and pray that the Lord works in mighty ways to lower prices for everyone.”

The idea was originally started by a high school student in the church’s youth ministry named Jason Mathews, who claims to have gotten the idea while participating in a similar event for students called See You at the Pole, in which students gather around their school flag poles and pray to it. He took the idea to his youth minister, whom the students called Pastor Steve, who then brought the idea to Rev. Young, and soon the movement was started.

“I’m so proud of Jason,” says his mother, Lisa Robertson-Mathews, “we were really struggling as a family. We were praying about which vehicle to drive, the Hummer 2 or the Lexus LX5, now this gives me hope we can do both.”

“Now we really are thanking heaven for 7-11” joked Rev. Young. “After we pray for the gasoline prices to fall, we also encourage people to pray for the Middle Eastern countries that the oil comes from. In fact, many of the workers at the gas stations come from those countries. This would be a great opportunity to show them that we care for their souls as well as their oil.”

When asked about whether or not political decisions and the invasion of Iraq had anything to do with the increased gas prices, Rev. Young was quick to add that, “I don't really know about that but whatever the cause may be, we don’t believe for a minute it has to do with President Bush or his administrations policy’s in the middle east. We stand behind him completely.”

Whatever the case may be, Christians everywhere hope to see you at the pump on the morning of August 1st.

Later guys.


Andrew McMahan said...

Hilarious Jeff. Can you also make a video of this concept that we can take around to different youth groups and possibly play at the next Dawson McAllister Rally?

friends are friends forever,

Unknown said...

Only if Al Denson will be there.


Andrew McMahan said...

Is it just my weak memory or did Al Denson have a blonde mullet? I swear he did.


Anonymous Nerd said...

Hmm okay, brain storm here..whats the motivational song going to be? I just always like the way Al Denson would pretend not to want to play it and then have the crowd beg and then be like "well okay, one more time!" As if he had anything better to play. I dont remember a mullet McCormick. I do however, remember Jackie Thompson getting mad at me for holding up a lighter as a joke during the "serious moment"

Andrew McMahan said...

Do you think Morgan Cryer and Al Denson were the same person? Also, What ever happened to Todd Proctor (and Gamble)....Man, I would love to kick that guy in the nuts.


Andrew McMahan said...

Sorry about my mulitple comments here....

Jeff, 1. I totally remember Jackie getting mad at you for the lighter incident, 2 - I remember introducing Dax to all the Reinharters's and telling everyone he was blind. (Baxters were the only ones to fall for it) 3 - Wasn't Mbone the first person to coin the phrase "keyboard jockey"?


Anonymous Nerd said...

Okay, I don't mind the posts, i like the attention! As for Dave Crowder, I am planning a blog on him and his ilk because I really don't like them or what they do, but I don't have room here to talk about it. How about Travis Buster and "I really need to be here?"

Andrew McMahan said...

David Crowder is the Bob Ross of the Christian World.

Happy Clouds....Make your clouds Happy CLouds....

Mbone, those random words are the word verification Blogger makes me put in every time.


Brady said...

another great one!!!!

well done

Andrew McMahan said...

OK Last one I swear.

Has anyone noticed the similarity between Christian Author Philip Yancy

and Bob Ross...

It's Uncanny!!! Do you think they are one in the same person?


Unknown said...

At my last Dawson McCallister conference, Todd was coming in, Al was going out, and my boyfriend (a PK) was busted for teaching the youth group to smoke in the parking garage at the Dallas Convention Center.

Check out


Anonymous Nerd said...

So I saw his website. A new album based on praise and worship! Wow! Does this mean it won't have Pharoh Pharoh on it? Will it be called "The Extra Extra Mile" Or the "Next mile after the extra one" or just "to many damn miles" i cant wait to see.

benji said...

R. Jeff,

I've got an idea about what to do with this post that doesn't involve mass e-mails and the unstoppable hatred of everyone with e-mail access. E-mail me. We'll chat. I'll make you famous. But not in a Young Guns sort of way. More in a "I want 10% commission" sort of way.
