Well it would appear that yet another Friend of New Prussia has passed into the great beyond. This means that either A) I am getting really old or B.) I watched nothing but reruns of old, often bad TV shows when I was a kid. I can say that this one is probably the most devastating of all. Even more so then the venerable Doc Baker. This person was truly a profound influence on my younger, more impressionable years, and I'm sure that explains something. His name was Bob Denver but you may know him more as this man.

That's right, GIIILLIIIGGANNN! Has passed into the great island shipwreck in the sky. I suppose he is reunited with the Skipper, who died several years ago. Now their silly antics can entertain in the afterlife as they drive around in little bamboo cars and the Skipper can hit his "Little buddy" with his hat as he messes up for eternity.
I used to watch Gilligan religiously during the summer. Every morning the reruns would be on and me and my brother would be glued to the TV. It was usually followed or preceded by Batman and followed by Get Smart, Hogan's Heroes or Gomer Pyle. I loved them all. I especially loved Ginger whom I think I had a perennial crush on, highlighted by the occasional fling with Mary Ann. Who couldn't help but love the misshapen crew of seven castaways? The Professors genius, the eccentric Howells, the Skipper who put up with so much, and best of all Gilligan, with his fishing hat and red Rugby shirt. Don't forget the splendid theme song that everybody loves as well. I do not remember the band who performed it but I do know it was their only hit. Imagine going on tour as a band and the audience calling out for the theme song to Gilligan's Island. Now you know how the band that wrote the them to Friends feel. It was such an influence that in school we even sang Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligan's Island...try it for yourself. You will see it works and you'll probably enjoy it as well. (On a slightly different note, try singing Lord I Lift Your Name on High, to the tune of The Joker, by the Steve Miller Band. It works as well.)
This was the show that my mom would use on family vacations to tell us how much travel time we had left. We would ask, "How much longer until we are there?" she would then reply, "three Gilligan's Islands" to help us youngsters grasp time a little better. So heres to you Little Buddy, New Prussia salutes you.
BTW- For a trivia question, does anyone know the name of the Skipper's character? Not his real name but the character...he had another name besides Skipper.
A Weird Word - On another note, I have recently realized how the word weird lives up to its own meaning. Think of this, back in grammar school, what is the rule they always teach you? I before E, except after C. So look at the spelling of weird. I fail to see a C in there but I do see an E before I. I suppose it is only appropriate given the meaning of the word.
Katrina- I should have some good Katrina talk coming soon.
The Old Ladies Network- I have decided, at least during the day, that the Hallmark Channel is the old ladies channel. I was watching a rerun of Little House on the Prairie with a roommate on Hallmark the other day and saw adds for nothing but old lady stuff. There was the usual Depends commercials, but also some strange bladder control underwear for women. Not only that but I learned about multiple ways to keep my skin soft and fresh and how to prevent wrinkles. I also learned which Yogurts were the best for my diet. I suppose that is what I get for watching Little House reruns. It wasn't even a Doc Baker episode.
Well I better go, I will leave you with the most expensive picture of me ever taken. It cots roughly 25,000 or so. It is of me posing at graduation as I try and figure out what to do next. Later.

Blogspot Bowling
Calling all Black Hat Bloggers, you may want to get your blogging monkeys working overtime creating fake splogs for your competition.
Your own ebook, just use a mike
Today I woke up and decided to start spamming the Internet. I realized how much money is out there in the hands of people too dumb to keep it. I was shocked to find out how easy it was to trick my grandparents out of their entire retirement fund by having them click on a link to my personal Paybuddy site. I thought to myself, how easy would this be to do the same thing to everyone's grandparents? As everyone knows the best place to start scamming people is in blogs, I have come up with a business model to do just that...if you would like to be a part of this incredible money making *legitimate* business opportunity, just click here.
Jeff, I can't help but notice that you posted more for both Doc Baker and for Li'l Buddy than you did for Montgomery Scott. Especially in light of the fact that if there is one person who can get Gilligan and the Skipper off of the island, it's Scotty. (He could just beam them up, or, given the proper dilithium crystal mix, taken the entire island to warp speed.) Though it's entirely a matter of personal perspective. I must confess I felt the news of Mr. Doohan's death a little more deeply than I did Mr. Denver's. That is not to say that I did not feel less sad at the passing of one over the other, only that I spent more of my formative years at the helm of the Federation starship Enterprise than I did at the helm of the S.S. Minnow or any of the coconut & bamboo contraptions that the Professor cobbled together. I must give credit to the fact that I can sing Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligan's Island. (also to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals. Try it - you'll like it!) and I don't know of any songs that fit to Star Trek's warbling crescendo of "Wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wha wah WAAHH wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah WAAAAAAHHHHH!" (go ahead and sing it, you know you want to.)
Hey, great photo by the way. I could almost hear you proclaiming "free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I am free at last". Let's see, a history buff doing "big arms" and you're wearing a gown. That's maybe taking the Eddie Izzard routine just a little too far. Anyway, congrats again. Now that you're out of school and you've taken a "week-long break" I expect to see a lot more blogging from New Prussia.
- SN
You can also sing "lord I lift your name" to the tune of Weezer's Sweater song. The Jr. High kids loved that...What could be better, Jesus + Drug song= F-U-N.
Great Pic Jeff. It made me think of the beginning of the Mary Tyler Moore show where she is walking in New york and spinning around in Central park then she throws her hat and the camera zooms out.
Blog Jeff...
Blog like you've never blogged before.
Blog for those who have webbed fingers and can't blog.
Blog like there's no tomorrow.
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